SPU guidance for internship adjustments during 新型冠状病毒肺炎



SPU has adapted our internship criteria performance assessment linked 在这里 这样赌博十大靠谱软件就可以继续收集你成长的证据,并完成观察. You will work with your supervisor to determine the best way to complete this tool. We recommend that you download and use the tool as a self-assessment, 然后把它提交给你的主管, who will provide feedback during your debrief.  This process will provide necessary evidence for required program assessments.


请阅读下面的Q&临床实践(实习),有条件证书,edTPA, PESB A级;

Clinical practice must take place in an educational setting. If schools are closed, what other options are considered an educational setting?

  • Clinical practice can take place in educational settings through remote 指令, 在线学习, 在不同的地点, or as part of an extended school year or school day.

What are other clinical practice requirements?

  • 临床实践必须在有三年相关工作经验的执业医师的全面监督下进行. 准备计划必须为候选人提供发展和展示其角色所需的知识和技能的经验.


  • 为了回应上周赌博十大靠谱软件强制学校关闭的公告,PESB已经提交了一份 紧急状态 allowing educator preparation programs to review a candidate’s course work, 领域经验, 工作经验, 另一种学习经验. 基于这篇综述, 如果他们确定候选人具备所需的知识和技能,那么准备计划可能会放弃或减少临床实践和课程作业的长度. 该WAC修正案立即生效,并将持续到今年7月中旬. 

    Clinical practice can take place in educational settings through remote 指令, 在线学习, 在不同的地点, or as part of an extended school year or school day. 临床实践可以包括计划, 指令, and reflection that prepares the candidate for the role.


Information on conditional certificates:

Information for 学校心理咨询 Students

学校的辅导员们祈祷上帝与赌博十大靠谱软件一起度过这个充满挑战和困难的时刻. 赌博十大靠谱软件希望你平安健康. 由于赌博十大靠谱软件都生活在未知的领域,你可能会有很多问题和不安. 请注意,赌博十大靠谱软件关心你们每一个人,随时为你们提供帮助. 让赌博十大靠谱软件随时了解你的情况,以及你需要什么样的支持. 

Here are the guidelines for your spring courses and clinical experience. These are developed based on the communications with CACREP, 国家认证委员会, 以及这个机构. When things get updated, we will let you know as soon as possible. 

In the spring quarter, all classes will be delivered online. Please contact your course instructor for more information. 


以下是应对新型冠状病毒肺炎的实践和实习经验的一些指导方针. 根据CACREP、州和机构的建议,这些协议可能会在以后改变. If you have any questions regarding practicum and internship, please contact the 导演 of Clinical Training. 

Clinical practice must take place in an educational setting for school counselors. If 的实习 网站关闭, 我该怎么办??

  • Clinical practice includes direct and indirect hours. 间接时间包括计划, 指令, studying research-based articles and interventions, 致力于宣传项目, 多样性, 和股票, 等.,并反思专业经验,虽然他们可以发生在你的网站之外. Direct hours can include telehealth counseling, remote work with students such as email, 电话, and teleconference platforms that your district supports. This will look different in every school. 请咨询您的现场主管,并与临床培训主任沟通,了解您的现场学校咨询项目的直接时间计划和支持. 请参阅ASCA学校辅导员道德标准和ASCA提供的虚拟咨询指导文件. If t在这里 are questions between what counts as direct and indirect hours, please reach out to the 导演 of Clinical Training. 

How do I meet the group supervision hours requirement?

  • CACREP要求学生在实习和实习期间进行小组监督. 小组监督将在春季学期使用Zoom视频会议进行. Please take the supervision conference call via zoom in a safe and private place.  For more information on group supervision, please contact your course instructor. 

How do I meet the individual on-site supervision hours requirement?

  • CACREP要求学生每周至少与他们的现场主管见面一个小时. 赌博十大靠谱软件建议学生通过zoom(或在线会议平台)或电话安排这些会议,如果你继续积累由你的学校或学区支持的直接时间. 当您参加在线会议或电话会议进行监督时,请参阅ASCA学校辅导员道德标准和ASCA虚拟咨询指导文件.  

What if I do not complete the required practicum hours before 的实习?

  • You need to complete 40 direct hours and 60 indirect hours for practicum. 如果你不能在实习前积累必要的直接时间,因为你的网站已经关闭了, please contact the 导演 of Clinical Training. If you do not complete the required practicum hours in the spring quarter, 你就得N分, 这意味着, “在过程.在这种情况下, 直接现场工作时间将在秋季学期注册实习时计算. 一旦你完成了你的实习时间,并充分满足了实习的所有要求, 你的“N”分就会被改. 实习时间将在你的实习地点完成,而不是在实习地点.

What if I don’t have my internship site secured?

  • The internship paperwork for the school counseling program is May 1st. As many schools are closed for a while, placements will be more likely to be delayed. 请继续与临床培训主任沟通,以确保您的实习地点. The program will accommodate the due date as the circumstance changes. 

What happens if I cannot meet my required clinical practice hours for 的实习?

  • 赌博十大靠谱软件继续与CACREP和国家认证委员会(PESB)合作,探索其他方法来支持赌博十大靠谱软件的学生满足要求的临床实践时间. When we have more information from them, we will let you know. 与此同时, 请记录直接和间接的工作时间,并与临床培训主任就您的实习地点在学校关闭期间对K-12学生的支持进行沟通.


  • edTPA registrations are valid for 18 months. 因此, 候选人可在注册日期起18个月内提交edTPA作品集,包括初次提交和重修. 项目可能会指导他们的候选人根据他们的情况在适当的提交日期提交他们的作品集. As necessary, Pearson can extend registrations for candidates impacted by 新型冠状病毒肺炎.
  • 考生可以要求在虚拟教室设置的其他安排. Here is more information about how to request 这些可供选择的安排.


  • OSPI提供公告, and created a website to share information for school districts, 教育工作者和家庭. 访问他们的网站.

For individual certificate information, please contact the OSPI certification office at (360) 725-6400 or cert@k12.wa.us


Who do I contact if my internship site closes and I have questions?

程序 导演 联系
放置 艾米丽发怒 huffe@jessicaedaniel.com
吉尔Heiney-Smith heineysmithj@jessicaedaniel.com
詹妮弗·诺顿 nortonj@jessicaedaniel.com
教育领导能力 约翰债券 bondj@jessicaedaniel.com
学校心理咨询 6月Hyun jhyun@jessicaedaniel.com
edTPA 纳伦Baliram baliramn@jessicaedaniel.com
